Thursday, April 16, 2009

"30" days in jail.. try 25

During class this week we watched a show called 30 Days. The episode we watched was about life in jail. Morgan had to spend 30 days in jail! (actually umm 25.. because he claims in real life you only serve like 85% of your sentence or something idkk) Still, I thought it was a really good and interesting video to watch, because primarily, it completely changed my views on what a jail even looks like in general! As dumb as that sounds, I always pictured exactly what you would see in movies, cells lined up on a wall with barred doors, the mean inmates sitting on a bench inside, and a nasty toilet in the corner. Real jails are a lot more innovative these days than what i had previously imagined. Besides just the look of the jail being different, one thing that I thought was also really interesting was the fact that the drug jail was nicer and more friendly than regular jail! The jail for people with drug problems was not at all what I expected, being so much nicer and more comftorable than the other jail. Those inmates seemed like they would feel way more relaxed and free (even being able to go outside) compared to the regular inmates, who seemed like animals in a cage. Another thing I found interesting from the video was the three days Morgan spent in solitary confinement. I wouldn't exactly say this was true solitary confinemnt, because first of all, the entire amount of footage was meant to appear as if it had been filmed from the camera in the corner on the cieling. But, I noticed in the episode some parts of solitary confinement where it looked like it wasnt from the cieling camera, more like a camera man. So I think whether this was true solitary confinement is definitly debatable. But overall, the episode was great! It really shows how Americas jail system operates and how screwed up it is. Its espeically sad for the people who really seemd like they were gonna change, and wound up right back in jail. That one guy who was like 50 years old couldn't really change, and its probably hard when your that age because you are so set in your ways. I think jail is to blame for that.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beavis and Barbie

Barbie is supposed to represent a typical teenage girl: a girl who is attractive, organized, and tries their best. Beavis is supposed to represent a typical teenage boy: a boy who is sloppy, unorganized, and constantly goofs around. Beavis does just as well as Barbie by doing naturally well on tests, while Barbie does poorly on tests but studies and does all her work. The Idea that many teachers have, that every student is either a Beavis and a Barbie,I woudl say is not even close to true. Not to mention that personally in all of my classes there is usually only a couple studdents that actually completely live out the Barbie and Beavis stereotype. There are many types of students that are different combinations of all these traits that Barbie and Beavis are characterized with. These students are somewhere in the middle of these two distinct stereotypes, or even a type of student that is completely unique. Basically, I would not say these categories of Barbie and Beavis for students are even remotely true, unless there are 100 other "dolls/characters" to represent the other students that make up the remaining 95% of the class.