Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tuesdays with morrie!

In the movie that we watched in class, tuesdays with morrie, which was, by the way, a fantastic movie,  but sooo sad!, morrie talked about how people are so independent and strive to succeed on their own, when it is really within human nature to depend on others! People don't realize that without other people, they would be nothing! People take care of you, love you, make you happy, teach you, connect you to other people and opportunities... the list is endless! but most just dont seem to want to say they rely on others. people are afraid of this dependence because they think that independence is equivilant to being powerful, which is not necessarily the case! In fact, you are more powerful when you depend on others because the more you depend on others the more likely you are to succeed. Yes, independence is good for self confidence and overall having some ability to take care of yourself, for instance when you move out of your parent's house, but what's so bad about relying on your parents until you are ready? That is dependence right there, getting the help you need to succeed, prosper and be happy. Or how, for another example, an alchoholic who won't go to rehab because they insist they dont need help... what is wrong with needing help to solve your problems and move forward? Yeah, some things you can do on your own, which is great, but for the most part at one point or another you have to depend on someone else. Therefore, it does bother me when people think they can do every single thing in life on their own, because whether they like it or not, they can't succeed alone. 


  1. I agree with you Carly! Many times people don't want to be vulnerable and allow themselves to be seen as weak. All of us need different people and need help in certain situations!

  2. Yeah being too independent is a really bad thing, but being too dependent is also just as bad. I have a friend who I don't believe has ever done a homework assignment on her own, gone to the bathroom by herself, etc. etc. and it's just as bad. And i like your song

  3. i agree with everyone, when you are so independent and believe that you can achieve everything by yourself in life you wont get very hard. When you work with others you get more accomplished faster and see different point of views. But if you are so dependent on others for help and can't do anything by yourself it's just as bad. I agree the movie was so good and sad.
