Thursday, January 29, 2009

My life in a blog post

Being able to describe who I am in one blog post is like me trying to run a mile in three minutes, not gonna happen. As for the basics, my name is Carly, im a junior at stevenson high school... but id like to think im a little more interesting than I may seem. although i have lived in the same one house my entire life, my family, the friends i have made over the years, and many other experiences have molded me into the person i am today. i assume that i will change even more as i go to college, mature and go through many more life changing experiences that i cant wait for! up until now though, the most life changing experience i have had is going to the overnight camp I have gone to for 9 years. its actually impossible for me to describe the bonds i have made with some of the people there. at camp i can be who i really want to be. my friends there dont care if i just rolled out of bed and look like a mess, they dont care if i go crazy, they love to just goof around and make life long memories. my friends there come from all over the place, some from california, georgia, arizona, and even florida. its cool that we all are so alike, but so different at the same time since we come from different places. we learn a lot from eachothers experiences, and they have truly shaped me into the person i want to be. the problem is, when i come home, im a completelty different person. sometimes i get more catty and judgy, and concentrate a lot on my social life and things like that. at the same time at home i am a good student, i like to have fun with my friends, and i am happy, but at camp i am confident and care free and crazy! hopefully as i get older i will be able to figure out how to combine the two and be exactly the person i want to be!

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