Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Last week in class we watched a movie called Crash, that depicts racism and how it affects people with all kinds of backgrounds and pretty much everyone all over america. The part of the movie that really hit me hard was with the mother who was so worried about the guy changing her locks. she was so scared that he was gonna sell their key to his "amigos", just becasue of how he looked. Little did she know he was a protective father and a sweet husband, with a tiny little girl at home. So in this case she was wrong about the man, and shouldnt have let racism get the best of her. But on the other hand, she was upset because of the two African Americans that mugged her and her husband,a nd she had known by instinct to be scared of them, but didnt say anything or turn around because she didnt want to be racist.. and then they proved her right. Its sad when people of all races decide to live up to their stereotypes automatically instead of forgetting them and being who they really are. So in this case , her racism technically coudl have helped her out. The movie shows these two sides to racism, as well as many more with the other characters in the movie, but her character definitly shows two distinct sides to whether racism is right or wrong. However, racism is most definitly not a black and white clear cut split. Therer are many complications with it because there are always exceptions, which makes it a difficult elemetnt to eliminate from our culture.

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