Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Social Classes

America is known as a land of opportunity.. right? Well the 30 Days episode where Morgan and his wife live off of minimum wage for a month shows the true story behind American lifestyle. Sure, some lucky .00000001 percent of America may make it big, like the Angelina Jolies and Ray Krocs of the world, but in reality, most of America isnt succeeding to this extent and are barely making it by! Our country has been completely taken over and become a land of Franchises and Monopolies and large coorporations. Yes, America used to be the land of dreams, with examples of people.. such as Ray Kroc who dropped out of school in like 8th grade, became the owner of McDonalds, and made it by with a little luck and suddenly is a trillionaire. He dropped out of school and broke the American mold and bakc then had a chance of beomcing a huge wealthy success! These days however, such dreams are no longer even a possibilty. Life is a mold, and the only chance of being succesfful is to make it all the way to college and hope to get the best job you can. If you break away from the mold, either you try to start your own business or find a way to put yourself out there, or you wind up working at Burger King or McDonalds or any other large coorporation for minimum wage. And even if you do try to start a small little restaurant or clothing store, you get taken out by the chains of McDonalds and run out of business! Then you end up working for them anyways, so theres pretty much a rare chance of breaking away unless you get a degree of some sort. Its horrible that this becomes the fate for most americans, because as they showed in the episode living on minimum wage is not easy at all-- and unlike in the show, people living on minimum wage dont get to go back to their nice homes and all their comforts after 30 days..

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